Knock Knock

Jan 02, 2023

In 2017 I thought the sky was falling - Amazon changed their policy and I could no longer get “unbiased reviews” by giving away free products. I had products with 4.5-star ratings, whereas, in reality, terrible products would average 3.5 stars at best. In a single day, I had thousands of my reviews wiped by Amazon.

On the same day, I had a strong realization - I can’t sell junk products on Amazon anymore.

I wasn’t alone, I’ve seen the same thing happen to many of my friends. Many of which stopped selling on Amazon altogether.

So, the solution was to launch much better quality products. Not just better products, but a much better customer experience for the customers as well, aiming for what I call the 6-star experience, to do whatever I can so customers would WANT to leave a 5-star review.

One of the things that Amazon did in early 2020 was added the “Ask Review Button”. At almost the same time, Amazon allowed customers to leave just a star rating without needing to write any reviews. check out the effect it had on average reviews per product:

Marketplace Pulse, November 2020

One of the things Amazon added more recently, is something to encourage customers after leaving the first one.

What are they doing? Telling jokes!

I’m sure you’re familiar with the page - This sends you directly to leave a review for your recent purchases. In case you haven’t yet purchased on Amazon for $50 total on Amazon, you won’t be able to leave a review.

For those who are eligible to leave a review, you’ll see something like this:

After two more reviews, you will see this:

and after leaving 6 reviews:

And after the final review is left:

As you can imagine, I love this for so many reasons. Amazon is being playful while encouraging customers to leave more reviews.

Now, why am I telling you all of this? Because you probably never left a review on Amazon so never came across this. And you know what, now is a good time to start. I actually have something you can start with - Reviewing my book.

Yes, this email is actually my own version of the “Ask Review Button”, which unfortunately doesn’t work for books selling on Amazon.

In case you purchased my book on Amazon, you can go to:

In case you haven’t purchased my book but are on this email list - You’re really missing out. Don’t take my word for it - Just go ahead and read the reviews on Amazon.


A joke of my own:

Why did the unicorn bump into the Amazon seller at the party?

Because they were too busy checking their sales and reviews on their phone!

This is me:
Also me:

Don’t scroll up, I got you! Here’s the link again:

Thank you.

I'll love you until the end of the world...or until I finally figure out how to fold fitted sheets properly, whichever comes first.


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