The State of PPC - Summary
Feb 06, 2023Chapter 5 - Tomer Rabinovich
This will be the summary of the state of PPC. After soaking in the insights from the interviews, I'm now ready to zero in on the key takeaways.
In case this is the first video you watch on this page, I highly recommend you also listen to the interviews below.
Here's is the summary of what the PPC agencies and Scale Insight can offer:
Incrementum Digital - launched a PPC course covering everything there is to know about Amazon PPC. You can use the code below to get $100 off.
Here’s a link to the course. Use the code TOPDOG100 for $100 off
Trivium Group - is giving a 30-40 minute PPC audit: You can get your free PPC audit here.
Scale Insights - offers a 10% recurring discount on their price plan, use the code: Discount Code: TOPDOG
BetterAMS - Offers a free audit. You can get your free PPC audit here.
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